Monday, November 23, 2009

If it ain't broke...PLEASE don't try to fix it!!!!

I am having one of those of those days where NOTHING goes right. First, I feel like poo thanks to my daughter giving me her cold. Second, I am only at work 2 days this week so I had to come in and get things done but thanks to changes to programs and systems, nothing is going right.

I wish someone could explain to me why the "New and improved" system ALWAYS causes more problems than it fixes. Seriously, does anyone ever ask the people who use these systems what they need or want. No! Instead us "worker bees" have to keep producing and keep things working with "new and improved" systems that don't work!

Please people...please....quit trying to "fix" everything because all you are doing is making my life 100 times more complicated!!!!!

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