Tuesday, November 3, 2009


You would think a post about Bacon would be about buying bacon, or cooking bacon or even eating bacon but this post isn't. This post is about the pet that my husband INSISTED he had to have and the pet that we went and picked up last night. Have an idea yet of what this pet might be???

It's a pig...yes a pig! We have a mini-potbellied pig named Bacon.

I swear somewhere between yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon my husband lost his mind. I should have seen this coming. He had been looking on Craig's List quite a bit lately (he is a CL addict) and talking more and more about pigs but I NEVER in a million years thought he was serious about actually buying one. Our house is full as it is with 3 kids and 2 dogs, we have busy lives and the last thing we need is a pig. But I was wrong, he was VERY serious about buying a pig and now here I am a day later and an owner of a mini-potbellied pig.

I use the term mini very loosely and while the previous owner says he will only get to be about 50 pounds...EVERYTHING I am reading online says our little Bacon will grow to be more like 100 pounds. Yes...I said that right - 100 pounds. My dogs don't weigh that much COMBINED!! What the heck am I going to do with a 100 lb pig who can't be outside during the winter (mind you we live in Michigan were it is Winter just about 9 months a year). Plus have you seen a pigs legs...they are short and our house has stairs everywhere. I certainly don't see me carrying a 100 lb pig up the stairs!

On the other side, I do have to admit he is completely litter trained and doesn't smell at all. Benji (my yorkiepoo) was horrible to train and lets face it...he has dog breath 90% of the time. Everyone has said that pigs are very smart but I will believe that when I see it. And I will also admit that in his own way he is...dare I say it...cute. No, not the cuddly teddy bear cute but cute none the less.

Oh and my husband who so desperately wanted to get this pig quickly had many doubts on the car ride home. My kids are excited and have already fallen in love with him. Bandit, my Keeshound, could really care less and Benji is a spastic mess around the pig and barely slept all night because he wanted to get in the room with the pig. As for me...we will see. I can't guarantee he will be with us forever (lots of factors there) but while he is, there is no doubt it will be a Wild Ride.

Oh...and pictures are to follow but I left the cable to the camera at home.

1 comment:

  1. On one hand, I am jealous; on the other I am very thankful that WE didn't get one!! Can't wait to see pics!
